Admiring the Differences: Chat GPT Compares Itself Against

Ozan Bilgen (Team on May 9, 2023

Cover image of Admiring the Differences: Chat GPT Compares Itself Against

Recognized as the most successful product launch in history, Chat GPT mesmerized all of us with its capabilities. We received many questions about whether Chat GPT could replace all AI solutions, including's powerful Document Processing AI, which understands all types of documents. As experts in AI-powered document processing, we knew there were so many reasons why it couldn't, but still, we faced a healthy dose of skepticism fueled by the extensive media coverage of Chat GPT. We want to clear the air, so we thought the best way to answer this question was to ask the Chat GPT itself.

In short, Chat GPT does not think it can replace, nor is it trying to do so. does not build a chatbot too.

What is the difference between Chat GPT and's document processing AI?

Chat GPT and's document processing AI are both artificial intelligence tools, but they serve different purposes and have different capabilities.

Chat GPT is a large language model designed to generate human-like responses to text-based inputs. It can engage in natural language conversations and generate text that is coherent, informative, and contextually relevant. It has been trained on a vast amount of text data and can generate responses in various languages.'s document processing AI, on the other hand, is designed to extract information from documents and perform various tasks such as data extraction, classification, and analysis. It can understand the structure and content of various document types, including PDFs, invoices, and receipts, and extract relevant information from them. It uses techniques such as optical character recognition (OCR) and natural language processing (NLP) to identify and extract data from unstructured text.

In summary, Chat GPT is designed for generating human-like responses in natural language conversations, while's document processing AI is designed for automating document processing tasks such as data extraction and classification.

What Is Chat GPT and How Does It Work?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI, based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture. It is designed to process and generate natural language text, which allows it to communicate with humans in a conversational manner.

The model is trained on vast amounts of text data from the internet and other sources, using unsupervised learning techniques to learn patterns and relationships in the language. This training allows ChatGPT to understand the context of a conversation and generate appropriate responses.

When a user inputs a message or question, ChatGPT processes it by breaking it down into its constituent parts, such as words and phrases, and then analyzes these parts to determine the most likely meaning and context. It then generates a response based on this analysis, using its knowledge of language patterns and relationships.

ChatGPT is continually learning and improving through exposure to new data and user interactions. This means that over time, it becomes better at understanding and generating natural language, allowing for more engaging and realistic conversations.

How does document processing work? is a company that provides an AI-powered document processing solution to automate document management processes. Their document processing workflow includes the following steps:

  1. Document ingestion: The first step is to ingest the document into the system. This can be done through various means, including uploading a document from a computer or mobile device, scanning a physical document, or sending a document via email.
  2. Document classification: Once the document is ingested, the system classifies the document into various categories based on its type, such as invoices, contracts, or receipts.
  3. Data extraction: The next step is to extract relevant data from the document. This involves identifying key fields such as the invoice number, date, vendor name, and amount, and extracting the information using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and other techniques.
  4. Data validation: After the data is extracted, the system validates the data to ensure its accuracy. This involves cross-checking the extracted information with other data sources, such as a company's internal database or third-party data sources.
  5. Data integration: Once the data is validated, it can be integrated into other systems or applications, such as accounting or ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, to automate further processing.

The document processing solution uses AI and machine learning algorithms to improve accuracy and automate the document management process. The system can learn and improve over time as it processes more documents, leading to increased efficiency and reduced errors.

Why should we not use Chat GPT for document processing?

Chat GPT is primarily designed for generating text responses based on input text. While it can be used for document processing, there are several limitations to its use in this context:

  1. Limited Input Length: GPT models, including Chat GPT, have a maximum input length that they can process effectively. This means that if you try to feed in a long document, the model may not be able to process all of it and may lose important information.
  2. Lack of Contextual Understanding: While Chat GPT is good at generating text based on input text, it may not have a deep contextual understanding of the document as a whole. This can lead to inaccuracies and errors in processing the document.
  3. Lack of Domain-Specific Knowledge: Chat GPT is a general language model and may not have specialized knowledge in a particular domain. This can be a problem when processing documents that require specialized knowledge, such as technical documents or legal contracts.
  4. Difficulty in Extracting Structured Data: Chat GPT is designed to generate text and may not be suitable for extracting structured data from documents. This can be a problem when you need to extract information such as dates, addresses, or other structured data.
  5. Limited Control over Output: Chat GPT generates text based on input text, but you may not have control over the output. This can be a problem when you need to extract specific information from a document or when you need the output to be formatted in a specific way.

Overall, while Chat GPT can be used for document processing, it may not be the best tool for the job. There are other tools, such as natural language processing (NLP) libraries, that are specifically designed for document processing and may be more suitable for your needs.

That's not all, folks!

We agree with Chat GPT's answers, but it's not the complete picture. Here are a few things customers find in only:

  1. Reliability: Business processes run 24/7, not on the hype of a new product or media attention. Operating a service that runs 24/7 requires meticulously designed and implemented engineering systems. has a record of 4-9s (over 99.99%) availability, only akin to Google Search! Open AI does not give any guarantees for its Chat GPT service. It went down daily during the launch month.
  2. Support: If you are in business long enough, you would know that it never goes according to plan. When you need a helping hand, offers 24/7 support via Email, Zendesk, WhatsApp, and Slack. The company commits to providing the best customer support in the document processing industry. knows that it is a core component of its customers' product architecture and works like an extension of its teams. Any issues and feedback are readily addressed within hours. Open AI Chat GPT has a thumbs-down button if you are upset with the answers.
  3. Compliance: Documents contain our most private information, whether it is the details of a business contract or personal information (PII) on a medical form. They need to be handled very carefully. Leaks cost companies millions of dollars and equivalently huge in reputation. is HIPAA (healthcare), SOC 2 Type 2 (process), and GDPR (privacy) certified. It maintains its highest level of quality standards by renewing its certifications annually. Chat GPT is not certified for any standard and should not be used by a company that has them, as it will break the chain of trust. Chat GPT is banned in Italy for privacy concerns, and Samsung banned Chat GPT use for the same reasons.

Final thoughts

Use the right tool for the right job. Chat GPT and are not rivals; they are focused on very different use cases. In fact, both companies are partners since 2021 and the cover the photo of this article was generated by Open AI's Dall-E engine. If you need a chatbot, you may use Chat GPT.

If you want to process all types of documents instantly, use Try a free demo with your own documents on our website, or contact us to learn more about our document processing AI!